Writing Dissertation
Writing Dissertation
- First, clarify your dependent and independent variables. You must explain how your variables are operationalized.
- Second, develop your argument and present it in the first chapters of your dissertation. You can describe it in your introduction. You just need to tell your reader what your dissertation is all about. You are not a fiction writer, and you don't need to keep your reader in the state of unawareness until the last page of your dissertation!
- You will have to conduct a thorough review of literature to present the problem you are researching in context. Tell your readers what you have found. Prove to your readers that you have reviewed each and every article included in your dissertation. You must be sure that you have not missed a single essential point in your literature review. You must necessarily critique and analyze each piece of literature. It is a perfect opportunity for you to see how your study interest fits in the current academic and research context.
- You must develop a solid and persuasive argument, but it is equally important for you to be able to capture your readers' attention. It is quite common for readers to wonder why they should spend their time reading your dissertation. Whatever the topic you choose, persuade your readers that reading your dissertation will not be wasting of time.
- Do not play with your words or hypotheses. Be serious in your judgments. Develop your research design and ideas thoroughly. See how your variables come together to create a statistical or qualitative relationship. Think of how you are going to measure your concepts. Be different from others were doing before you. You have to offer some new insight into the problem of your choice. You should be ready to explain why you have decided to measure your concepts in this and not any other way.
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- Do not hesitate to use graphics. Dissertations which incorporate rich graphical support are much more popular among readers than dissertations, which include text only. Remember that your task is to present an argument, which is understandable to your reader. You can include rich evidence and develop a persuasive argument, but it is graphics that will do the entire job.
- Stay within the requested word limit. Do not exceed it at any cost! You must be concise and accurate.
- You should not necessarily write all 12,000 words, as required by your instructor. It is the upper limit. If you believe that you have done your best with fewer words, it will hardly be a problem for anyone. Do not try to be redundant or wordy simply because you want to make this word limit work for you.
- 12,000 words are a lot of writing. Therefore, if you see that you are approaching the word limit but there is still so much you want to tell, most likely you are doing the wrong job. You will have to edit your dissertation very thoroughly to delete all meaningless and unnecessary information. This is the only way you can meet your grading requirements before you submit the paper for the initial review.
You can follow different standards and recommendations regarding the structure of your dissertation. Here you will almost certainly need to consider the requirements and recommendations provided by your supervisor. However, in the absence of any specific rubrics, you may want to look at the proposed structure below and follow it without any difficulty. Feel free to rearrange the order of these components in a manner that best suits you.
- Introduction – here you want to describe the purpose and significance of your research, define and operationalize your variables, and offer some puzzle that will be solved later in your work.
- Literature review – consider the above recommendations.
- Theoretical background – you need to review the current state of literature, identify possible gaps in knowledge and suggest how your study will fill those gaps.
- Share the results of your study, including sampling and implementing your research, measuring your variables, and analyzing the hypothesis.
- Discussion- now consider the results of your work in the context of available literature and theoretical background. Do you see that your evidence supports your hypotheses or assumptions?
- Conclusion – wrap up the results of your study and include some implications for future research and practice.

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