Various Types of Assignments in Academic Writing


An essay is usually a brief paper on a specific topic. One should differentiate between different essay types depending on their nature: persuasive (argumentative), informative, expository, process-analysis, narrative, descriptive, etc.

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A typical essay usually includes several pages only. has a standard format regarding the number of pages in essay writing. You can place an order for 19 pages (double spaced text) or 9 pages (single spaced text). If you want to make an order with a bigger number of words, please choose a respective order type that complies with your assignment (research proposal, thesis, dissertation, etc.).

A common essay structure is the following:

  • A cover/title page (provided for free by our writing service)
  • Introduction (the last sentence is a thesis statement)
  • Main body (includes several paragraphs)
  • Conclusion
  • References/Works Cited page (provided for free).

Term Papers

When the course is about to end, students are asked to write term papers. These pieces of writing help professors and instructors identify if students managed to learn most of information explained during the course. Term paper writing obliges students to carry out a deep research on the assigned topic. However, students are involved in a theoretical exploration of the topic rather than its practical side. The key idea discussed in the term paper is expressed in the introductory paragraph.

Research Papers

Research papers are similar to term papers because they are focused on the analysis of the outside sources. Students have to conduct a research, gather respective sources, analyze and systematize data, etc. Research papers deal with solid reasoning based on the conducted research rather than one’s assumptions and personal opinions. Even if a writer presents his/her opinions, there is a need to support them with good research ideas. Research paper writing requires much time due to the scope of work and depth of research required. In addition, usually research papers are completed in several steps (outlining, drafting, revising, etc.).

A typical structure of research paper the following:

  • Cover page/title page (provided for free by our writing service)
  • Abstract (provided for free by our writing service)
  • Introduction
  • Analysis of literature (optional)
  • Main body sections (findings and results, discussion, etc.)
  • Conclusion
  • References/Works Cited page (provided for free by our writing service)

Please note that instructions for research paper writing differ much depending on the educational establishment you study in. Therefore, some research papers might include a different structure in comparison with the outline presented above. Therefore, always try to follow your professor’s instructions and include only relevant parts.

Book Reports

A book report possesses a number of similar features with a book review. It is a written piece based on the analysis of the read text. However, you should remember that book report is focused on the summary of book chapters, whereas a book review explores its analysis to the biggest extent. Book report writing presumes summarizing the plot, major characters (sometimes even secondary ones), key topics and ideas, settings, etc.

Book or Movie Reviews

Please differentiate between book reviews and book summaries. Your goal is to analyze a book or movie from different perspectives. Your paper should include a strong critical and analytical point. If you want to submit a high quality book/movie review, you should strike a right balance between interpreting, summarizing, and analyzing of ideas.

Here is the checklist for composing a book or movie review:

  • A full title of the book and its author/authors’ name; movie director, producer, and main cast members.
  • A very short summary of the plot (e.g., you can focus on the discussion of the key topic).
  • Several sections should be dedicated to the main body analysis. You have to provide your own interpretation of the key issues explored in the book/movie, analysis of acting, state if there are any gaps or inconsistencies in the plot, provide your recommendations for others (if it is worth reading or watching).


Professors identify coursework writing within different categories. In the end of each term, you may be asked to write coursework in the form of term paper, extensive essay, report, etc. Coursework writing usually takes a great deal of the final grade and allows teachers to see if you managed to absorb information from the course or not. In coursework writing, one should carry out research, analyze the obtained data, as well as mention his/her opinion.

Research Proposals

This piece of writing has much in common with research paper writing. However, one should “propose” his/her own evaluations and suggestions on the topic. The major sections in research proposals are:

  • Cover/title page (provided for free by our writing service)
  • Abstract (provided for free)
  • Table of contents (provided for free)
  • Outline (provided for free)
  • Introductory paragraph
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Analysis of the research question
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References/Works Cited page (provided for free)
  • Appendices (if applicable).

Most of professors state that research proposal is similar to dissertation writing. However, there is one significant difference in the writing style. A writer should rely more on future tenses because the research has not been completed. A writer proposes and suggests possible solutions, implying a futuristic manner of writing. At the same time, there is a need to use present tenses while exploring objectives of your paper and past tenses if you refer to the research that has already been completed by other scientists.

Annotated Bibliographies

Students should differentiate between a paper’s bibliography and annotated bibliography. Bibliographies are often referred to as “References” or “Works Cited” pages. The difference can be seen in the formatting style that you were asked to follow. A specific way of formatting a bibliographic entry can be seen in many online resources (e.g. author’s name, date of publication, book title, publisher, etc.).

Annotated bibliography should include a full name of the source as well as 1-2 paragraphs summarizing its content. It is a short and concise description of the text. Check your professor’s instructions to see if you should merely summarize the source or analyze it as well.

Online Tests/Quizzes

If you want to place an order at by choosing an online test/quiz option, please read carefully how to calculate the number of pages. The test size is calculated in this way. 1 page includes 5 questions. If you have 15 questions in your test, you should place an order for 3 pages. Such tests usually include “matching,” “true-false” and “multiple choice” types of questions.

 If your test asks to type in your answers, a 300-word count rule should be applied. A standard page at includes 300 words. For example, if you have to answer 12 questions with 100 words each (equals to 1200 words), you will have to pay for 4 pages.

Please remember that all tests passed through your college or university web portal are called “online tests/quizzes” by our writing service.


There are different types of questions that fit within the abovementioned order type:

  • Multiple-choice questions: One should choose respective answers among several options.
  • Transformation-type questions: One should rewrite the sentence according to specific instructions.
  • Fill in gaps: Make sentences complete and logical by placing a word/phrase.
  • Cloze-type questions: It is similar to the previous type, but this time one should insert paragraphs or passages of the text.
  • True or false type questions: Mention if the statement is correct or wrong.
  • Connecting: You are to connect words from the row (e.g., with the same or opposite meaning).
  • Correcting mistakes: A test-taker should correct mistakes in sentences or paragraphs.
  • Closed questions: One should provide very brief answers to the assigned questions.
  • Open-style questions: One should provide explicit and full answers to the assigned questions.

Important Note!

To calculate the number of questions, please refer to the rule 5 questions per 1 page. 25 questions of the abovementioned nature will require a 5-page order.

Dissertations and Theses

A typical structure of dissertation or thesis writing implies:

  • Cover/title page (provided for free by our writing service)
  • Acknowledgement (provided for free)
  • TOC (table of contents – provided for free)
  • Abstract (provided for free)
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methods
  • Discussion
  • Findings and results
  • References/bibliography (provided for free)
  • Appendices (provided for free)
  • List of figures, tables, graphs (provided for free)
  • Index/glossary (provided for free).

Note that your dissertation/thesis structure may vary depending on professor’s instructions. Our writers will be glad to add or exclude any parts and work on your specific requirements.

Editing and Proofreading

Proofreading services include:

  • Correction of all grammar mistakes
  • Check of sentence structures
  • Correction of formatting mistakes.

Editing services include:

  • Check of formatting mistakes
  • Footnotes and endnotes
  • Punctuation, grammar, spelling, capitalization
  • Acronyms and abbreviations
  • Outlines, tables, figures
  • Formatting of specific terminology, italicized text, borrowed phrases
  • Check of parallel structures and wording
  • Run-on sentences and redundancy
  • Active/passive voice
  • Sentence structures in general
  • Biased language and usage of informal language
  • Cross referencing
  • Clarity of sentences
  • Table of contents and outline
  • Transitions
  • Writing style according to the mentioned academic level
  • Overall flow of sentences
  • Headers, page numbers, footers
  • Technical accuracy
  • Information within tables and graphs
  • References and bibliography.

Remember that editing and proofreading do not include rewriting, writing, and researching.


A rewriting order implies:

  • Rewriting (paraphrasing) the whole text or some parts specified by the customer.
  • Correction of grammar and formatting mistakes.
  • Check of sentence structures.

Formatting Services

If you have already written your paper and want to format it according to a specific citation style, place an order and choose the requested referencing system (MLA, APA, Turabian, Chicago, Oxford, etc.). Formatting services are all about correcting mistakes in references. It does not presume correction of grammar mistakes or rewriting.

Excel Exercises

Such tasks deal with calculations, equations, and other mathematical/economic/finance assignments completed in Excel. Please remember that our Writing Department will evaluate a complexity of the task and may recalculate the order price according to your professor’s instructions.

PowerPoint Presentations

The number of pages in your order will depend on the quantity of slides required. A cover slide and references are provided for free. Moreover, you can request an additional service – speaker notes. Your writer will include around 100-150 words (speaker notes) below each slide.

Case Studies

This type of assignment implies analyzing a specific problem that usually relates to an organization or company under analysis. One should carefully read a case study and provide answers to several questions. Solid argumentation based on the outside research and personal understanding is required.

Case studies mostly consist of the following parts:

  • Introduction
  • Background details
  • Factual information
  • Selection of options
  • Analysis of solutions
  • Identification of the best solutions
  • Description of personal opinions
  • Recommendations
  • Conclusion.


Most of order types include a draft option. You can request a draft of your paper to see if your writer works in the right direction. A draft will be sent to you when 50% of the order deadline passed.


Along with your completed paper, you can get one-page summary that will include the major ideas discussed in your order. A summary is attached as a separate document.